
Leopoldo Pomés. Photographer. Barcelona, 1931


I once had the privilege to travel around Tuscany with Enric Miralles and Oscar Tusquets. I think it was the first time that they had travelled together. We visited the small Romanesque church in the Sant’Antimo Abbey. The visit itself was an artistic event, short-lived but rich due to the contrasting views of each. Both were renowned architects but of different generations and with a different approach to architecture. It was a coming together of knowledge and sensibility. / The visit was unforgettable! Both were like children who had been given the best present they could have wished for: to work through an architectural space together. They devoured it, savouring every minor detail with relish, from the space itself to the most imperceptible of its details. They delighted in the shared criteria, and generously showed each other their discoveries, appreciation, knowledge, and almost tactile visions. In short, there was respect, admiration and a genuine interest in one another’s thoughts: the highest form of curiosity. / This Curiosity with a capital C, is the quality on which all great artists thrive. I have known Oscar for many years. He has an intuitive ability to find talent, no matter where it is hidden, and his curiosity has led him to meet those he admires and, more unusually, to proclaim this admiration with joy and generosity. / Curiosity and generosity. This is what Enric Miralles felt towards Oscar and what Oscar felt and still feels towards Enric.