Editorial Anagrama. 1998 


Published in Spanish

It used to amuse Salvador Dalí to compare El Greco to a snail. Tusquets amuses himself in this book by comparing things that have nothing to do with each other: works of art, calendars, museums, bordellos, Prohibition, free will, corrected eyesight, the terrestrial globe, historic staircases, legendary clients, frightened matadors, mysterious lights and colours, canned foods, abstract art, tolerant wagons, intelligent showers, unfortunate sports, imperishable gardens…

    This is a book written by an architect—or could it be by a designer? Or an amateur painter and writer? Whatever the case it is not a book for architects, but for readers who enjoy following an inventive argument about hackneyed themes, full of common ground and politically correct outlooks. No matter how transcendent the theme, the author does not adopt a superior tone, rather he prefers to use irony and humour to present commonplaces that, although common sense, seem bizarre and outlandish.


Review from Juli Capella at Babelia, El País